In this episode, Natalia, Neil, and Niki discuss Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley.
Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:
Nikki Haley recently secured the backing of the wealthy Koch Brothers, bringing more attention to her presidential run. Natalia referred to this multi-part POLITICO series on Haley’s career. Neil drew on this NPR piece, and Niki on this article from The Intercept.
In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History:
Natalia shared about her most recent MSNBC column, “How Feminists Have Failed Israeli Victims of Sexual Violence.”
Neil recommended Sopan Deb’s New York Times article, “Nom Nom Nom. What’s the Deal With Cookie Monster’s Cookies?”
Niki discussed the National Security Archive’s “Henry Kissinger: The Declassified Obituary.”